Project Description

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Pediatric Urine Bag

Pediatric urine bag is used to collect baby’s urine.

  • Padiatric Urine Bag disposable medical


Since the baby is too young to collect urine specimens, a pediatric urine specimen collection bag with a skin adhesive can be used.

The pediatric urine bag includes an adhesive fixed, a ring made of foam material, Ensure positioning and suppress leakage.


Here are instructions on how to use the baby’s urine bag:

Before the start:

  • The skin must be cleaned and kept dry. Use mild soap and water.
  • Avoid the use of oils, baby powder and lotion soap, which may leave residue on the skin and reduce the ability of the adhesive to stick to your child’s skin.

Cleaning area:

  • Remove the baby diaper and clean the area after separating the legs.

For women:

  • Always clean from front to back. Clean the side of the urine opening, Then come out on the other side and clean up the center.
  • Discard the used cleaning cloth and allow the area to air dry.

For men:

  • Clean the end of the penis. If your child has a foreskin, pull it back and clean the end of the penis.
  • Be sure to clean the opening from the urine. Throw away the used cleaning cloth and let the area dry.

Attach the package:

  • Clamp the centre of the white paper backing on the urine bag to form a crease.
  • Peel off the paper sticker to expose the adhesive around the opening of the bag.
  • Use the following steps to attach the bag to the baby’s body:

For women:

  • Place the bottom (pleated) portion of the bonded area on the skin.
  • Between the rectum and the vaginal opening. The extra package should be the point to the baby’s foot.
  • Press firmly on the bag from the bottom to the top of the adhesive, as well as the skin around the vagina.

For men:

  • Carefully put the penis into the bag.
  • Place the bottom (crease) section, an adhesive on the skin between the rectum and the scrotum.
  • The extra bag should point to the baby’s foot.
  • Firmly press the bag from the bottom to the top of the adhesive and the skin around the scrotum.

Collect urine samples:

  • Reapply the diaper to the bag. Make sure the diaper does not pull out the bag which may break the seal.
  • Once your child’s urine enters the bag, slowly peel off the bag to avoid spillage pee.
  • Keep the collection bag upright until you can pour the urine into the sterile urine in the laboratory for your container.
  • Empty the contents of the collection bag into the sterile urine container and tighten the lid so that it does not leak.
  • Do not place the urine bag itself into the urine container and transport it to the laboratory.


  • If your child’s diaper contains faeces for urination, it is likely to be contaminated.
  • Specimens contaminated with faeces will not be accepted for testing.
  • Need to re-collect the specimen.
  • Please discard this urine sample and reapply the second clean collection bag to obtain another urine specimen.

Remove adhesive:

  • Adhesive-free products should not be used on baby sensitive skin.

  • Please send the container to the laboratory as soon as possible after the collection is complete.


  • Please send the container to the laboratory as soon as possible after the collection is complete.
  • If urine cannot be delivered to the laboratory within 1-2 hours, it needs to be refrigerated.


KWT Medicals offers many types of URINE BAG specially designed with patient needs for safety in mind.
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